Monday, June 11th
Jesus said to His Apostles,
"As you go, proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand "
Matthew 10:11

The Kingdom of Heaven is close when you hear and when you respond to that word which is spoken. And as you respond, so do you, in the power and love of the Father, extend it. Wherever love is entertained and responded to in loving action, the Kingdom is promoted. When the sick are healed, the weak empowered, and the blind enabled to see, the Kingdom is present. Wherever self-giving is evident in daily experience, the Kingdom is at hand, waiting only for the commitment to be to the Father's loving purpose.

For when individual and group are committed in love and self-giving to the Father's will and purpose, there is the Kingdom established. And nothing can stop its advance; the well-being of all involved is assured. Trials, set-backs and problems there will still be, but I will be present in them all to point the way forward and strengthen in the way.

So will the Kingdom of the Father be extended, consolidated and enhanced, awaiting the perfection of eternity where He reigns In joy and in the fullness of love.