Monday February 5th
St Agatha
Jesus said, "If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine, let him renounce himself and
take up his cross every day and follow Me."
Luke 9:23

The daily offering of the whole person to Me and through the light and power of Our Holy Spirit for the praise and glory of the Father and for the service of His created world is life fulfilled. Failures and shortfalls are unimportant in the way: all is perfected by repentance where necessary and prayer for the single eye and dedicated will for future action,.

For those who are truly dedicated to the loving Heavenly Father and Our eternal glorious work of creation and recreation every act and thought and relationship is an offering in love, and when perfected in and through My saving love becomes a part of the very fabric of eternal life., And nothing is lost which is in love - all is caught up and made a part of that life in the Father which is the reward of all who are faithful to that which is daily put before them.

Offering, then, is the keynote of success in all things - offering of all that each is and has and is committed to in action and of all that is done and received and accomplished in redeemed and sanctified selfhood.