Sunday, February 4th
Gospel of the Day

As I was rejected by many of My own people in the Galilee of My day so am I not received by many in every generation and country. Yet the truth was presented to each and every one and each rejected according to the disposition of his heart and conscience. But the conscience of many is unillumined by Our Holy Spirit and the judgment is accordingly distorted and often perverse. Mind and heart must be in harness in matters of deep import:: there is danger in isolating either factor.

There is light and knowledge enough for each and every child of the Father to progress in the way of perfection. As each exercises the power of heart and mind with which he is endowed so is the light and power of Our loving Holy Spirit bestowed upon him for further progress in and through My saving love. These are the signs and wonders of the Father’s Kingdom . Those who walk faithfully and obediently in the way are made the instruments of Our redeeming, liberating love. And as the sick are healed , the hungry fed so are those who seek the light of truth that they may walk in it led along the path of illumination and fulfilment to rejoice in the Father’s presence throughout time and eternity.