Saturday February 24th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "……..everything is possible with God."
Mark 10:27

Only man himself limits the loving purpose of the Father being fulfilled in the world of men . And many generations have compounded the situation. Yet He never ceases to pour out His loving-kindness on His beloved children healing, liberating feeding, sustaining, and calling each and every one to wholeness and progress in His Kingdom of light and love.

And in every race and faith who seek to love and serve that within them which is Our Presence and Our leading are brought along in the fullness of time to perfection in Us. Through their self-giving which must be constant and without reserve Our love is enabled to fashion them for eternity in their unique personality, enabling them to become and to do all that is required.

To seek the Father's will in all things great and small is the open secret to inner sight and wisdom, and to desire earnestly through prayer and commitment to be enabled to further it the way to progress in perfection and fulfilment. The dynamic is in and through Our love, Our light and Our leading, progress and fulfilment for each and every one through faithful commitment.