Monday, December 31st
John 1:1

Know and understand that the power and the glory of the whole of the Father's creation is love. And love is the nature of His very Being, the substance and essence of His very Self.

And from the beginning I was with the Father, the expression of His loving, the recipient of His glory. And as I received and receive His glory and His love, so do I continually return it: so the receiving and giving is the dynamic of the explosion and transmission of eternal love: and this the power, the blessing, the light, the joy, the beauty, through the love.

As it was in the beginning, so it is now and throughout all eternity. And it has been, is and every shall be the good pleasure of the Father, the Creator of all that is, to draw into His glorious, loving purpose the fruits of His creation. I am the means by which all is accomplished, through which all is perfected, with Our loving, holy and glorious Spirit. And as in time I became flesh that the redeemed and sanctified should know and enter the joy of Our love, so through eternity will they share the fruits of My Victory.