Friday, December 28th
Holy Innocents
This is what we have heard from Jesus Christ and the message that we are announcing to you: God is light: there is no darkness in Him at all.
John 1:6.
Herod was furious ….. and all the male children killed who were two years or under.
Matthew 2:15

The way to fullness of joy for the Father's beloved children is through total self-giving to the reality, the demands and the service of love. As each soul allows itself to be illumined and progressed so is it rewarded with the light and power and joy of the Father's Presence in and through My Saving love and the overshadowing of Our Holy and Blessed Spirit. And this is the purpose and the challenge of human life for the one and the many,

And all are free to follow the way of their own choosing, those who heedlessly pursue the path of self-fulfilment and disregard the claims of love's approach, who exercise their power to inflate their own persona, afflicting others as they make their desperate way - these are in darkness, turned from the light which could have saved them from their self-destruction. Grieve for all such and pray that through some tremor of turning at the end of their soul's journey they sought salvation through Love's agony at their condition.

As for the victims of the evil power of sick and lifeless souls - all are safe in the all-embracing power of love. And as I suffer in the pain of all afflicted by the power of evil men, so do I bring the faithful strengthened and restored to places of light and joy for evermore.