Wednesday, December 12th
Jesus said, "Anyone who does the will of God, that person is My brother and sister."
Mark 3:2
Jesus said, "Come to Me all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder My burden and learn from Me … and you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:28-29

Commit yourself to becoming the Father's will: so will the doing follow. And to become that expression of the Father's will which He purposed before time was, there must be a priority of looking to Him in all things. Enjoy all the gifts and blessings which He showers upon you, aware that you are always in His Presence, and you will be guided into the proper use and employment of them all.

Constantly recall that I have walked the human way, and I live now, and suffer, in the minds and hearts and lives of the Father's children the world over. But as I was triumphant over sin and death, according to the Father's loving purpose, so do I share and bestow the strength and sustain inviting each and every one to the great work the Father has ordained. All pain and joy are one in Us, and all is working towards the Ultimate Perfection of the Father's love where pain and suffering are no more and all conjoin in one great fellowship of love.