Sunday, December 30th
No-one has ever seen God: the Only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father,
He has made Him known
John 1:18

It was the will and purpose of the Father before time was that His love should be known in the world of His creation, His Word made manifest. The world itself He purposed to be a manifestation of His love and of His word.

So in the ages before man was the loving finger of the Father traced the plan of the world's order and brought it into being. The beauty and the grandeur are echoed down the ages and man, whom He created in due time, may see and enjoy some part of the tremendous grandeur of the great and poignant beauty.

But most of all the loving Heavenly Father designed man's heart and soul to share His very nature as he identified with Him in purposeful creation. To man, whom He endowed with the potential of creation in the small world of each on earth, He gives His love and His protection as it is desired and as His loving purpose is entertained and followed.

And I, the very image and reflection of the Father, His well-beloved and loving only Son, came to the world of the Father's loving creation to testify to the Father's loving purpose through My Saving Name in time and eternity.