Monday, December 25th
Christmas Day
We ourselves saw and we testify that the Father sent his Son as Saviour of the world
1 John 4:17

The Father's all-embracing, all- pervasive love orders all things as he wills and as His children allow. Gently He trains and tends each soul, drawing each to Himself from the beginning, but only with the willingness and co-operation of every one.

To accomplish the triumph of the loving design in a world which must, by the nature of things, entertain perversity, the Father sent His Beloved One to reveal the perfection of love: in revealing it to suffer, in suffering to redeem and save, and so to offer life in love for all eternity.

Never was the Beloved One separated from the Father's loving presence, for in all things He was true to His Being and the Father's loving purpose for mankind and for the whole creation. Yet there was a time and condition of willing separation from the consciousness of perfect union with the Father, suffered for the living and departed for all time, that the Godhead might enter into even that sense of dereliction for humanity's sake and salvation.

Look deep and long, beloved of the Father who seek the Father's will, to follow in faith and loving commitment, at the face of love and the pattern of perfect offering and commitment. Know that the gracious and glorious challenge to perfection and total service is made to each and every one born into the world in the saving love and power of the Incarnate Word and of Our Holy Spirit.

The Word Made Flesh dwells powerfully in the world today, bringing grace and truth into the hearts and minds of all who desire to offer themselves and their world to the Father's loving purpose.