Tuesday, August 29th

Let it be done through you according to the Father's will. Recall the faithful response of my beloved Mother, and seek her prayers as well as following her example. Be open, pliable, and ready to react promptly to your heavenly Father's loving will and purpose and committed to do it in His way and in His time. Even so have My saints and martyrs down the ages.

You will find great joy and fulfilment and reward in such response. But there will also be suffering and pain. How could it be otherwise in a world marred by sin and wilful wrong-doing?

But remember, I have overcome the world through My persistent and suffering obedience to the Father's loving purpose for His beloved children of all times and places. So is the pattern set. So do My beloved ones live in the deep joy of it despite all setbacks, sadnesses and loss in this world.

Rejoice, for my life is in all who persevere in faithfulness.