Sunday, August 7th
Jesus said, "By this love you have for one another everyone will know that you are my disciples"
John 13:35

The glory of the Father is in the length and breadth and height of His capacity for love and for loving which is more than can ever be imagined in a million light years.

And the glory which was and is in Me is that love which I show in Myself and which I share with those who turn to Me in faith and hope. To them I give Myself freely, filling them as they are able to receive that which I yearn to give them.

So are We united, the Father in Me, I in the Father, His created children with Him through His love in Me, and I with His children through My saving act and risen life.

And We look , the Father and I, for a measure of that love which us of Us and which dwells with and in all who give themselves to Us in faithfulness and hope - We look to these to share what they are given to be and what they are given to possess , with all the Father's children, to the Father's will.

Is this not a glorious destiny for the children of men ? Cherish the love, then which is given you, and multiply it by sharing it with all.