Monday, August 29th
Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, "In returning and rest you will be saved. In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength".
Isaiah 30:15

I am the same Lord who spoke from the beginning of time, especially to My Hebrew people. Chosen to witness and to lead the peoples of the world to knowledge and truth and joy, to be pillars of the kingdom of the Father. Moses, Elijah, Isaiah and the rest - through them I spoke and ministered and led, and through the faithful of each age.

And this message of hope and of salvation and encouragement along the way I speak to the faithful of all ages - would that they would heed and find their peace and progress , especially when their personal or national times are contrary. Some indeed do, but I look for the many.

Did I not show in My earthly life the value of withdrawal and solitariness in the midst of demanding work and ministry ? It is essential that each and every one of the Father's loving , committed children seek the circumstances of quietness to draw deeply from the waters of the well of our presence where the Father presides, I minister and our Holy Spirit illuminates and guides. And this must be a daily discipline and joy if progress is to be made in the life of the Kingdom both for the sake of the health and development of the soul and for the right orientation and empowering for the work to be done.

And the community of souls of the Father's Kingdom on earth would be mightily enriched if each drank deeply daily at the well of our Presence , for each would meet with others likewise involved - to their mutual benefit and strength and joy.