Wednesday, August 31st

Faithfulness to the leadings you are given and to the disciplines you accept will bring both yourself and those for whom you are responsible into the way that you seek. It will often be far from easy, but help and support will always be available along the way as you progress.

My grace is sufficient for you. The light and power of Our Holy Spirit surrounds and empowers and illumines the way. How could you not succeed and progress in joy?

Be strong for those who are put into your care, especially for the one who is particularly your concern. Receive him in love and let Our assurance and strength flow to him through your commitment to his well being. You will be given all that is needed to help him arrive in the haven which will be his future.

Those who are faithful in love shall abide in joy and hope for ever, for they receive the life of the Father's kingdom supporting them through all things.

Take heart and pursue the way in faith and hope and love. For as it is given to all who travel in the way of love all is well now and for all time and eternity. Go in the strength and peace of The Eternal Lord.