Tuesday, August 30th

No complicated formula or formal approach is necessary for seeking the Father's presence. With quiet certainty and certain confidence that it is your responsibility as a child of the Father as well as a joy to be found and explored ; work at making a stillness and a peace at your heart's centre. Your noisy, demanding, inconsequential thoughts will accompany you to the very threshold of The Presence. As you persevere in your daily approach through disciplined stillness these will fall away. Mean to succeed in avoiding and jettisoning them and they will, in time, cease to provide a major problem, though they will always be a nuisance at the initial stage of your commitment to the task.

Such a journey to the centre should be made daily, however short the time allotted. A brief moment of committed attention and abandonment in love and worship is worth hours of irrelevant mind occupation. But you should set definite times for the approach, first short and then of longer duration as it is given you and as you are able.

So much to be known and understood, so much to achieve, and time is limited. Do not be anxious or fussed in this knowledge , but let the realisation strengthen your purpose and organise your time and activities efficiently.

If you daily live within the context of these guidelines you will find an increasingly relaxed and measured pace. All will be done which is to be done and you will grow in faith and in love.