Sunday August 21st.
Jesus said, "Remember I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves".
Matthew 10:16-20
"People will do these things to you because they have not known either the Father or Me".
John 16:1-11

Do not expect that the words which I am giving you will be universally accepted when the time comes for you to offer them to My people, the Father's children. Not all children are true to the Father who gave them life : some are blind, others rebellious, many lethargic. So are they towards their Heavenly Father. And to present such people with a challenging message will be a contingent for which they are not looking. Yet those who see light, however dimly, beyond the words of confrontation will find encouragement if they do not seek to destroy the light vouchsafed them.

In all this those who bear the light must expect to suffer, first from opposition suspicion and ridicule, and then from positive hostility. For the powers of darkness attack the sources of light which threaten their existence.

These have no real power in the world which the Father created, and they exist only because of wrong desires and wrong choices taken in the past and present. They are mere shadows , often dark and menacing but unable to harm or hurt those who, committed to the Father's loving lead, follow the light which will always be ahead of them within the centre of their very being.