Thursday, April 7th
And it came to pass that while he blessed them (His Disciples) He was parted from them. And they worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the Temple blessing God.
Luke 24:51

By now My Disciples had gained the knowledge, the understanding and the confidence to act in their own independent way alone and together, having no need for my visible presence. They possessed the joy of My risen life in the centre of their being and so in their corporate life : they attended their place of worship I Jerusalem, rejoicing and praising the Father.

But they were not yet ready to be used in My service and the Father's. They were charged to await the Feast of Pentecost when the gift of power would be given them. With the fire of this anointing they were promised the power to bear witness to Me throughout the whole of the world. Through their witness I would draw to Myself all who would listen, commit their life and become a part of the Father's Kingdom.

And so it has been down the years ; so it is today The same process is at work which operated in the lives and hearts and minds of My chosen few and operates today the world over. Many far and wide are bearing witness to the Father's love and my saving grace through the power of Our Holy Spirit. But many at the centre sleep. Pray continuously and let Me work through your self-giving and the dedication of all who call Me Lord - pray that My Presence may be seen and known, the Father's will done and all His children of all nations, times and places be gathered in.