Saturday, April 23rd

To lead others rightly , safely, and purposefully is to bring them and move them into the orbit of My love. So is increased the love of the one who leads.. There is no stronger power than love: "amor vincit omnia" Conversely, nothing in the world is more dangerous and divisive than hate; giving hurt for hurt multiplies problems and produces hatred and insidious evil.

To love deeply and comprehensively and sacrificially is to live fully, for it is to share in the life of the eternal. To love must involve some pain and suffering, but that pain is redemptive for all concerned.

Seek to love as the most important business in living : the path towards true loving brings wholeness and holiness and maturity. To live in love is to live in the continual presence of the Father. Those who love fully are the dwelling place of our Holy Spirit, and though that indwelling I permeate every part of a person's being according to the dedication and commitment. From that We approach and permeate those areas of uncommitted and deviating mankind according to the Father's leading. And we rejoice in the reality of our indwelling In the joyously committed.

All is progressing towards unity in Absolute love.