Tuesday April 19th

Make known in the places where people come together in the pursuit of worship and fellowship for service these words of mine. Follow the lead as it is given you, straining not nor being anxious. It will be put before you how you should convey that which you have been given. Pray without ceasing and letting the whole spectrum of the world's needs, those of your nearer circle, and your personal ones come before you.

And begin to communicate more deeply from the centre of your being with the source of all being which is at the centre and circumference of all life. Understanding and rightly orientated power will rise from faithfulness in this endeavour and commitment.

Rejoice always, even in anxious and demanding moments, and give thanks to your Heavenly Father who has created and constantly tends and prospers you, in the awareness that our Holy Spirit desires to rejoice in you as my life increases and develops and reaches out to the world in which you live and to which you minister.

This message I give to all who live in every nation. I am the Lord of all that lives and has ever lived or will ever so do. Life is one and indivisible, love is wholeness, and united and undivisive. Be constantly, unerringly in the stream of ceaseless life and love by faithful and loving commitment.