Wednesday, April 6th
Then He (Jesus) opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and He said to them, "This it is written that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His Name to all nations….You are witnesses of these things".
Luke 24:45-48

Each child of man born into the world is the Father's creation : the character and disposition of each is indeed coloured and influenced by parents and forebears , by community and nation.

And in each and every child as he grows and develops there is within him that which responds to the Father's love and fatherhood. This I came into the world to train up to eternal life : My life was the example, My death the means and My resurrection the perfection and completion of the Father's loving purpose.

But in order that this great purpose may be effective in each and every one there must be a turning away from that which deflects the life ; from selfishness , self-centredness and from all manifestations of hate and evil. So can My risen life grow from within and, by the power of Our Holy spirit, the rightly orientated person progress towards the fullness predestined for him since the beginning of time in the Father's Kingdom to and throughout eternity.

This is the message preached by My Disciples and it has been preached and witnessed to My followers of all ages. See where and how this is happening today and identify.