Thursday, September 7th
Colossians 1:9-14. Luke 5:1-11

Respond to the Word the Father continually offers you. Seek His will in all things and follow in the way He leads and guides as you continue faithful in and through the grace and power and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Knowledge of the Father’s will and wisdom in the way are given as they are sought in faith and trust and in absolute self-giving.

The Kingdom of the living, loving God is present now in the Father’s world and it is the birthright of each and every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters. But each one must seek entry in and through the Door of Truth and receive the Life needed to follow in the Way opened to every one who seeks to find and finding follows in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, am The Way, The Truth, The Life, and I call you and each one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters - and all together - to receive and give, that the Father’s will may be fulfilled in you and bring you to the fulness of His loving purpose for you, and that you may become a channel of His Love to others whom you meet along the way.