Tuesday, September 5th
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6. Luke 1:31-37

Be ready at all times to respond to the Word spoken as you come and go in the daily round of activities and relationships, and in your inner ear. The Lord God, father of one and all in His created world, speaks to each one in their comings and their goings and also in the silence of eternity, alone and in the fellowship of meeting: then open heart and mind to Love’s indwelling and let the peace which passes knowledge enter the inner parts of your very being. So will you be built on the Rock of the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, ready to withstand whatever you are given to meet, and strengthened in and through the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit: I speak to one, I speak to every one.

The darkness in the Father’s world is not according to the Father’s will and loving purpose, but nothing happens unless he wills or allows it. Nothing can harm the faithful who, enlightened by the light of Our Holy Spirit, follow in the steps of the Son of Man in faith and trust and in absolute self-giving.