Tuesday, September 12th
Colossians 2:6-15. Luke 15:12-19

You, a beloved child of the living, loving God, are called to perfection and fulfilment in the fulness of the Father’s glorious Presence in eternity. I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters in every place and time: I, your Salvation and your Friend along the way am the Rock of your commitment, the fabric of your progress and the Means of your obedience and faithfulness to and in the Father’s will and loving purpose. Stay close to Me, believing that through Love’s indwelling and the Light and leading of Our Holy Spirit you may come to the perfection offered to all who continue in and through Our Light and Life and Leading even to the end.

As My beloved followers were called in My incarnate life so are you to called to follow in My steps and seek the Father’s will for you in all things, encouraged by the fellowship of the faithful and obedient in Our Love, open to all you meet along the way who also are the Father’s beloved sons and daughters.. Be open to Our Love and to Our leading that We may be seen and known by others in your comings and your goings in the Way.