Thursday, July 6th
Genesis 22:1-19. Matthew 9:1-6

You are called to love, serve and obey your loving heavenly Father who leads and guides, enables and empowers all responding to His will and loving purpose in the grace and power of His Love.

The Father’s will is done in the faithful and the true of heart who seek His will and do it through Love’s indwelling and their self-giving as, led and guided by Our Holy Spirit, they commit all they have and all they are to their loving heavenly Father in faith and trust and in absolute self-giving.

Loved into being, you are given to seek to sacrifice yourself and all you love and cherish to the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will and loving purpose that you may become a channel of His life and light and love to others led and guided by Our Holy Spirit, a true brother or sister of the Son of Man, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, through whose life and death and risen life you are offered life eternal as you continue faithful in the Way.