Saturday, July 29th
1 John 4:7-16, Luke 10:38-42, John 14:11

Loved into life by the Father, Lord most High – I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters – you are called to respond to His Word in your life and living in and through His love which enables and empowers all responding to His Word and seeking His will and loving purpose, following faithfully in the Way as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. Such is eternal life.

‘I am the Resurrection and the Life’ and all who are in Me and I in them I bring to the Father in time and eternity. I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, am the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, opening up the truth to all who are in Us and We in them and empowering them to know and do the Father’s will as they respond in and through Our love and follow faithfully in the way We open up to them as they respond in faith and trust and in absolute self-giving.

If anyone believes in Me he will never see death, for ‘I am The Way, The Truth, The Life in time and eternity; and ‘whoever sees Me sees Him who sent me ‘ (John 14:6,12:44).