Saturday, July 22nd
St. Mary Magdalene
2 Corinthians 5:14-17. John 20:1-2,11-18

Child of the Most High God, you are called to become a full member of the Father’s family of the redeemed and sanctified and a member of His Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love. I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, His Word and Love Incarnate, speak to each and every one born into the Father’s world.

But you are free to choose to respond to and through Our love, led and guided by Our Holy Spirit and grow out of the selfhood and self-interest of your natural life into life eternal through Love’s indwelling and seek the Father’s will and loving purpose for you in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love. All responding are led to be a new creation in the Father’s Kingdom Family and Kingdom as they continue faithful and follow in the grace and power of Love’s indwelling and Our light and leading in faith and trust and in absolute self-giving, for it is written ‘When anyone is united to Christ, there is a new world; the old order has gone and a new order has already begun’. (2 Corinthians 5:17. N.E.B.)