Monday, April 7th
Daniel 13:1-9.15-17, 19-30, 33, 62   John 8:2-20

Life and light and truth are gifts of the Most High to all responding to His Word in the grace and power of His love.  I, His Word and Love Incarnate, am eternal life,  light which enlightens every one born into the world  and truth for all times and all peoples.

Follow me, the Son of Msn in and through My risen life, according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.  There is one Way only, one Truth, one Life: all is given to those who seek to find and finding give themselves to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit

Our Holy Spirit enters the mind and heart of all faithful in the Way and obedient to the Word spoken by the Father, revealed and made manifest in and through His Son. The faithful and the true of heart are brought to perfection and fulflment in eternity strengthened, in and through Our loving as they continue faithful, and brought to the fulness of the Father’s Presence in eternity.