Wednesday, April 23rd
Acts 3:1-10.  Luke 24:13-35

The Father, Lord Most High, looks for fruit in the vineyard of His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love.  All who are in Me and I in them bear much fruit as they seek the Father’s will and do it in the grace and power of His love.  I, His Word and Love Incarnate, am in Him and He in Me. All who are in Me are in the Father too. And all who seek His will in faith and trust and self-giving are given to do it as they continue faithful in Our love.

Seek constantly the Father’s will in all things and the power to do it in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love. Through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit you will be brought to perfection and fulfilment in the Father’s Presence in the fullness of eternity.  I speak to the faithful and the true of heart who continue in the Way, the Truth, the Life and glorify the Father, Lord Most High, in their life and living.