Tuesday, April 22nd
Acts 2:31-41

Pray that the light of Our Holy Spirit illumine your heart and mind, reveal your sins and failures in the way and lead and guide you into the Father’s will in and through the grace and power of Our indwelling: I speak to every one of the sons and daughters of the Most High, father of all born into His world,

Be open to the Father’s word in prayer and sacrament and in opportunity and occasion. The Father seeks to speak through you to others as you are open to His word and faithful in His love. The way of holiness and self-giving in and through His love brings the faithful and the true of heart to the Father, Lord Most High.  I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, enabling and empowering all who seek the will of the Father in humility and self-giving in Our love.

Follow as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit and be constantly open to receive the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate into the centre of your being. Pray ‘maranatha’ both for yourself and for all those who follow in the Way.