Thursday April 3rd
Exodus 32:7-14, John 5:31-47

The Most High. creator of all that is created is one and undivided in His incarnational and redemptive love issuing from His Being before time was, redeeming and sanctifying the whole creation in hope and promise and offered to the children of His love in His created world that they may know and love Him and live in Him in fellowship with all the committed and faithful in His Love.

The Scriptures testify to this inalienable truth which the Most High offers in and through His Love, the works of those who live and work in the grace and power of His Incarnate love reveal the loving purpose of their heavenly Father made manifest in His Incarnate Love, and the faithful and obedient in His Love are themselves witnesses to Our Presence in the Father’s world.

Believe, then, with your heart and mind and soul, and let Our Love purify your will and strengthen you in the Way in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying word and love which the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate offers.