Sunday, August 6th
The Transfiguration of The Lord
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14. 2 Peter 1:16-1. Mark 9:2-10

Rejoice and glorify the Father; identify and honour His glorious Presence in His world and align your whole self with the glory and the power and the majesty of His Being. But come into His Presence in great humility and love.

I am the Father's beloved and loving Son, His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love. I am the radiance of the Father's glory, His healing and enwholing Presence in the world of men. And I am present in the comings and the goings of each human life, waiting to be recognised and welcomed in the heart and mind.

Let the Son of Righteousness rise daily in your life, beloved of the Father, that He may illumine your whole being, cleanse and purify your soul and with and through Our Holy Spirit bring you to the joy and glory of the Father to rejoice with Us and with the whole redeemed and sanctified creation in the fulness of eternity.