Thursday, August 17th
Ezekiel 12:1-12. Matthew 18:21-19:1

Each man and woman in the Father's world receives blessings from the Father constantly and each is called to make such contribution as he is gradually shown in the way. But first each must be rightly orientated in the way, committed to loving service of the Father and to all whom he or she encounters in the way. Children and young people of all ages are similarly called and challenged, and the whole community to guide and take responsibility for them.

And there must be love and forbearance with one another, both individually and corporately, each working for the well-being of the whole. When mistakes are made and hurt given forgiveness must be asked by one and all offending, and peace restored.

Take Love into your hearts and minds, beloved of the Father, that you may have joy and happiness in your lives and safety, progress and fulfilment in communities and nations.