Thursday, August 10th
Lawrence, deacon & martyr
2 Corinthians 9:6-10. John 1:24-26

Be certain in your heart and mind that He who brought you into this most glorious world which He has made and is continually creating will bring you to the fulness of His Being as you are able to receive it. Consider the self-emptying of His beloved Son who laid aside the glory and his place beside Him who had loved Him into being to show the perfect way in life and through His death and risen life to bring all faithful in the way to His Presence in eternity. Know that Our loving Holy Spirit continually strengthens, illumines and inspires all who give themselves in love and in self-giving to that which We reveal as they continue faithful.

All is given to all who offer all they have and all they are to the Father's will and loving purpose in absolute self-giving. Such is a life-time's commitment and few there are who perfectly achieve it. Such are Our saints and witnesses in life and death to all generations.

Be generous in time and substance, ready at all times to respond to Our Holy Spirit's prompting. Be mindful of the need for discipline and constant waiting on My Presence in the silence of eternity.

I am in the sound of gentle stillness: the Father and I are one.