Sunday, October 30th
Malachi 1:14 - 2:2, 8-10. Matthew 23:1-12

There is one law binding every child of man to their Heavenly Father who creates and continually sustains them, who seeks to bind them ever closer to Himself and to each other. That law is love: love is the power ad the glory of all that is or was or ever shall be. You are called and challenged to accept and to explore the nature and the dynamic purpose of that law through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. I speak to every child of man the world over in every place and race and time and faith.

Open heart and mid to receive all that the Father seeks to give you. I, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, will come and make My home in you increasingly as you respond and continue faithful in the way.

Pray maranatha.