Saturday, October 29th
Ss. Simon & Jude (yesterday)
Ephesians 2:19-22. Luke 6:12-15

All Heaven and earth are contained within the Father's will and loving purpose. The natural world lives contentedly within that ambience save where the selfish and destructive mind and heart of man has altered it. Mankind the Father seeks to lead into union with Him and fellowship with one another, near and far, within His world. And so He offers freedom to accept or refuse the glorious destiny offered ; to let Love build from within the soul that which will enable and empower to contribute to the household of the loving Heavenly Father or let selfishness , self-centeredness and sin weaken and destroy.

I, with Our Holy Spirit, am the Father's saving, sanctifying love seeking entry, growth and progress in the one and many and in community. You can and will attain through the grace and power of Our Indwelling: pray maranatha and rejoice.