Saturday, April 8th
Jeremiah 11:18-20. John 7:40-52

Search for the truth in all things at all times in all places. Our Holy Spirit constantly seeks to enlighten and inform the soul desiring knowledge of the truth and power to walk in it. And I, the Way, the Truth, the Life enable through the power of My Indwelling. For the Father loves each child of man as if there were no other: He has loved them into being and calls each one to fellowship and joy in Us and with the whole redeemed and sanctified creation in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Be still in this reality, constantly committed to fulfilling all the Father wills and purposes for you in the Kingdom of His life and love. So will you be perfected and fulfilled in the fullness of eternity and be Our Presence to all those to whom We send you. Peace is Our gift to all the faithfully committed in Our love.