Thursday, April 6th
Exod. 32:7-14. John 5:31-47

Let all the children of the Father in every age and place and time give heed to all the signs We offer them. I speak to each and every one in the centre of his heart and mind, in his experiences and relationships. And My message is of the Father's comprehensive and unfailing love, but also of His judgement in that eternal circumstance. Love is the totality and the catalyst of all that is, the beginning, the means, the end of all reality. And I, His Son beloved and loving from before time was, have entered human life and taken human flesh in great humility, Through My example, death and resurrection each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father is offered life eternal. Such is the extent and power of Our love that all the faithfully committed to the challenge of that love within their heart and mind are caught up in the joy and power and glory of that Reality in time and through eternity.