Sunday, April 16th
Isaiah 50:4-9a. Phil. 2:5-11. Mark 14:1-15, 40

Be totally committed to the love the Father offers every one of His beloved sons and daughters. Such is a share in glory and in life eternal. It is totally encompassing and penetrates to the very heart of being. It is the very fibre of all being in the soul and body. Freely it is offered, and all are free to accept or to refuse the still small voice inviting to the fullness and the wholeness of eternity which is the Father's Presence in the totality of all-being and fulfilling.

Through His Incarnate Word the Father has revealed Himself to His beloved world. In love, humility and self-giving the power and glory of the Glorious, Powerful and Eternal Being courted the soul of everyman , and each and every soul from the beginning . And each is called to wholeness and to unity with this great invitation to Eternal Reality through acknowledgement of the Kingship of the Father and in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Follow, identify, rejoice.