Sunday, April 2nd
2 Chron. 36: 14-16,19-23. John 3:14-21

The Father's word is powerful in His world. Just as the water from the heavens falls upon the Father's world so does His word fall amongst His people. And it fulfils His will according to His loving purpose and the response of those on whom it falls. The Father loves each one of His beloved sons and daughters as though there were no other : each one is called to do that which the Father wills , and to become a full, unique and lively person in the Kingdom of His love through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit . Yet each is free to choose or to refuse the way of wholeness and perfection.

To make this possible I , the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word took human flesh : I lived, I died, I rose again according to the Father's will and loving purpose . Through My obedience in the heart of love I offer light and life and power and love to all who follow in the way We lead and guide . The witness of this truth is in the lives of those who have responded in obedience and in loving faithfulness to that which they were called to do and to become.