Saturday, April 3rd
The Chief Priests and Pharisees called a meeting "Here is man working all these signs ", they said, "and what action are we taking ? "
John 11:46

Have I not said the children of this world are wiser than the sons of light ? Those who were troubled at My following in My last days on earth had a directness and a sense of purpose which could be emulated by the sons of light: what tragedy when such singleness of mind is exercised for evil purpose! So has it been down countless ages. So is it now: yet there is now a greater tragedy among the sons of men, namely the failure to pursue the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit by individual, group, community and nation. Constantly the Father calls each child of man to follow in the path of truth and love, of commitment of the mind and heart and will to His all-loving purpose. Ceaselessly I offer the liberation of My saving love and , with Our Holy spirit, the light and power of Our Indwelling Presence. And those perceiving this should constantly be challenged into constructive action in offering themselves to Love's embracing, comprehensive purpose and ask themselves "what action are We taking?".