Thursday April 1st
Jesus said, "I tell you most solemnly, before Abraham was I am."
John 8:59

The Eternal Word is from the beginning, with Father and with Holy Spirit. And He exists beyond the realm of time. But He has entered time at the behest of Him who ordered all things and with Holy Spirit completes the loving purpose of the Lord of All. For Our redeeming, sanctifying love makes possible the loving purpose of the Father in creating it. I, the Prophetic Word, reveal the truth to individual, group, community and nation as I am sought and entertained at the soul's centre. And through the light and power of Our Holy Spirit I enable the committed ones to follow in the way the Father signifies. Our saving, sanctifying love makes all things possible within the loving purpose of the Father. For I, the Father's Love Incarnate, unlock the doors of truth and endow all followers in the way with understanding. And all who walk in faith and trust and love are brought to their fulfilment and perfection in their eternal home at the end of time according to the Father's loving purpose.