Thursday, April 22nd
Jesus said to Nicodemus," God so loved the world that he gave His only Son that everyone who believes in His may not be lost but may have eternal life"
John 3:16

The Father's love is greater than the total understanding of all children of His love whoever lived or ever will. The mind cannot begin to grasp the smallest part of it but the heart can radiate the beauty and the power of its glorious presence as it desires and seeks it through My Indwelling.

All who invite Me into heart and mind and make Me welcome in the centre of their soul receive the Father's saving, sanctifying love ; for Our loving Holy Spirit is part of that great gift and operation which enlightens, cleanses, fortifies and guides the faithful, committed children of the loving, Heavenly Father.

And life eternal springs from the giving and receiving of the Father's saving, sanctifying love, for Love Incarnate, the Father's Incarnate Word, has accomplished the Father's glorious, loving purpose, and ceaselessly works within the Father's world to complete this work in every child of man.