Friday, April 16th
Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, addressed them, "Of all names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved, he said"
Acts 4:12

The Name identifies the Person and the identity is power in all things willed and purposed by the Father. The Father wills that every one of His beloved children becomes a member of His Kingdom and lives and grows in love in time and through eternity. But all are free to go the way of their own choosing and some reject the choice of sonship and their own identity and purpose in the Father's glorious, loving plan. My Name is power for turning from the way of waywardness and sin and selfishness, My Presence lights the way and gives viaticum for life, in death, and to the Father’s Presence. And in the power of the Father and of Our loving Holy Spirit I bring all the redeemed to their perfection and so fulfil the Father's will and loving purpose.

All who call upon My Name are led to their perfection and fulfilment as they progress in faithfulness. My Name is Truth and Light and Love and I am one with Father and with Holy Spirit. So has it been from the beginning. So shall it be beyond the realm of time.