Tuesday, November 24th
Luke 21:5-11

Man brings upon himself the wars and tribulation of his suffering world. Greed, hate, and lust for power bring their own dire rewards, marring the world, harming the one and the many. They are destructive powers, denying love and the life and light of the Father's great and loving purpose.

Each child of man and every community and nation is constantly in crisis, and crisis is both judgment and experience. He who seeks righteousness and peace (together with the community and the nations) finds growth, increase in substance, mercy, truth and love. As concern for each and all becomes the nature of the one and of the many the individual thrives and the whole community prospers. For they possess and are possessed by love, and love is the Presence of the Father, His power their means, His glory their commitment.

Yet suffering falls upon the innocent: the Father's Beloved Son has suffered more than any child of man, and born the burden of the sin of Everyman. So must it be until the end of time. But vicarious, suffering, love is powerfully redemptive. Identify with Love in everything and Love will bring you eternal peace and joy.