Saturday, November 14th
Jesus told His disciples a parable about
the need to pray continually and never lose heart
Luke 18:1

Prayer is a condition of the heart and mind and soul. It is an orientation to the Father's will and loving purpose in all relationships and undertakings. It is the language of the soul to its Creator: and the Creator of all souls seeks to communicate and lead each one into the fullness of eternal life and the joy of communion with Him in time and through eternity.

So each beloved child of the loving |Heavenly Father must study to be quiet in the deep recesses of the heart and mind that We may come and rest and speak, communicate and listen to the soul's outpourings, cleanse, fortify and reveal the nature and the challenge of All-Loving and All-Being,

And there must be a loving discipline, a willingness to make the time of prayer a priority in all things, a faithfulness to the spirit of the discipline and an obedience in all things. So prayer will become a response to every circumstance and relationship of daily life, and undergirding all will be a deep and faithful bonding to the Father in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.