Monday, November 16th
You are My friend if you do what I command you
…..what I command you is to love one another
John 15:12-14

Desire the Father's will in all things. Let every day begin with joyous expectation, and pray that you may know the things that should be done. This you will know by growing in the knowledge and the understanding of the power of Our love which will be yours as you desire and seek it. So will you learn what things to do, and you will have the guiding and the resources to accomplish them. This is the knowledge and the experience of all the faithful and the true of heart in every faith and race and time in countless generations.

I have commissioned you and all My faithful followers to do those things the Father has commanded. It is the glory of My Father that you should bear much fruit. The way is through obedience to the law of love, love of the Father through your life in Me. Your life in Me will enable and direct your love for others, and you will find as you pursue the way the Father wills and purposes that love is one and indivisible.
Make you home in Me as I make Mine in you. So shall you bear much fruit through the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. So will you have the peace which passes understanding and the joy which passes into life eternal.