Monday, November 23rd
Jesus said, "Once the hand is laid on the plough,
no one who looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God."
Luke 9:62

He who commits himself to the light and power of Our Indwelling, in the love and service of the Father, will be perfected and fulfilled as he continues faithful. His faults and failures, perversities and sins will be forgiven as he penitently offers them to My redeeming love: his soul and his life's work will be progressed and, in the end, perfected in the light and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

But he who counts the cost and dallies with the hollow glories of this mortal life enfeebles his commitment to the claims and challenges of his glorious destiny in his service to the Father and his fellow men.

The double-minded man limps aimlessly and fruitlessly between two ways and he commits himself to neither. That child of man committed to his loving Heavenly Father increasingly perceives the claim of love upon his life and person. As he commits himself in faith and trust to know and do the Father's will We enter and illumine, empower and progress his going, bringing him at last into the Father's glorious Presence, there to rejoice for ever more with angels and archangels and the whole company of Heaven.