Thursday, January 9th
We can be sure that We love God's children if we love God Himself and do what He has commanded us
1 John 4, 5

As you fix your heart and mind to receive the Father's love so do you prepare yourself for Our Indwelling. My saving love cleanses and redeems, Our Holy Spirit sanctifies, and eternal life becomes the ethos of the soul. So love, which is Our very Presence, becomes the power through which Our faithful ones perceive, receive, and exercise the power of loving.

Let all who seek this power, the ultimate in heaven and earth, in time and through eternity, make frequent offerings of praise and thanksgiving as they pursue their daily round. Let them make time each day to contemplate the Father's love and let Our love possess the heart and mind.

So will the soul perceive and know the Father's will and loving purpose, and through the faithfulness which We bestow on him who asks he will be enabled to be and do all the Father has commanded. Thus love will be the means and the fulfilment of love for God and for his fellow men.