Wednesday, January 22nd

Make time and place for quiet contemplation of the Father's love, first through thanksgiving and then through bringing your whole self into His Presence. I who have brought you thus far will help you to leave at the threshold all that would keep you from progressing yet further.

So as you offer My Presence and advance in the power of My love to the Father's throne you will see and receive and become all that the Father, in His infinite love, has designed for you and for all who are faithful in love and in obedience.

All is not done in a day but progress is made as each offering is made in love and self-giving. For I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and I present to the Father each one of His loved ones who offer themselves in the power of My death and the strength of My risen life. Take to yourself all that is offered through frequent and regular times of quiet contemplation.