Tuesday, January 28th
Jesus said, "Anyone who does the will of God,
that person is my brother and sister and mother"
Mark 3:35

No-one can know and do the Father's will except Our love be in him. I, the Father's Son, His Love Incarnate enter heart and mind of every child who seeks to follow in the way of truth and faithfulness to that which he is shown.

Each child of man is known and loved and led into that perfection the Father willed for him before time was as he accepts Our life and love and leading. As he progresses in the way he becomes a unique expression of the Father's love, his life and work a statement of the Father's love in action. Such is the witness of our saints, each one My brother and my sister and My mother : the Father's Kingdom grows and prospers through their faithfulness.

Seek above all things to know and do the Father's will : so will you know the peace which passes knowledge, for Love will enter heart and mind, Our light and life progress , perfect and bring you to the Father's Presence at the last.