Saturday January 4th
They answered, "Rabbi" which means Teacher, "where do you live?" He replied, "Come and see": so they went and saw where he lived and stayed with Him the rest of the day
John 1:38

Set time aside each day for dialogue with Me and I will lead you into understanding. Each child of man who looks for meaning and for purpose in his life, and seeks to give himself to that which he discerns discovers that which he desires as he pursues the search. I lead him into quietness and contemplation, and disclose the word of truth and joy and wisdom as he continues faithful.

As he sets time and place apart consistently to wait and listen and receive the word, I enter heart and mind, and fill them with My Presence. I am Word, the Meaning and the Way, and as I minister at his soul's centre I build him into wholeness, and direct him in the way, disclosing and becoming the Father's word and love within him. He who pursues the way thus far becomes a jewel in the Father's crown. Such is his joyful destiny and fulfilment.